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Our Story

2005 - 2017

A small group begins to meet regularly to pray for a new church plant in Warrington. They explore various initiatives but none bear fruit.


Ministers from Chester, Liverpool, and Manchester meet. They resolve to try again.


The Archdeacon of Warrington encourages us to start to pray, plan and gather a team. A monthly prayer meeting begins and the Area Dean and Lay Chair of Warrington Deanery encourage us to move forward with their blessing. Seed money is raised by St Philemon's, Toxteth.


A core team emerges of people committed to joining, giving, and building relationships with each other. The team grows large enough for us to move forwards. The Bishop of Liverpool and the Diocesan Secretary meet with Steve James (representing us) to explore options for a Bishop’s Mission Order.


Candidates are interviewed for the post of Pioneer Pastor, a charity formed, and in December a Bishop's Mission Order is granted by the Bishop of Liverpool.

2022: February

The launch team are sent by their churches and begin meeting together regularly as Central Church Warrington. 

2022: April

Central Church Warrington launched publicly on Easter Sunday! 

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